
Annie & Michael

This photo is from the photo shoot I did recently with Annie & Michael...

When I took this photo (this was the first of the both of them for the night), he made some comment about how I "always make it look like [they're] breaking up!"

Haha, so true.

This series very much makes it look like they're going through couple's counseling.

I never intend for that. Instead, I'm looking for interesting body poses, and I guess I'm naturally attracted to drawing "sad" faces. Smiling faces almost seem too difficult to market...?

Maybe I think if the subjects are smiling, viewers won't be as interested in trying to figure out what's going on.

Although this series, which has a lot of smiling, is still one of my favorites.

Who knows what I'll pull next? Crying? Hysterical laughter?

Hm, the more I look at this photograph, the more I like it. I thought Michael's expression would be too difficult to use, too silly or out of context, but it might be better than I originally thought...


Headexplodie said...

Haha! Hilarious! I like Michael's expression in that photo. I guess the pics came out okay, then?

Nancy said...

Yeah, they came out pretty good. I might have to fuss around with facial expressions or whatnot. Unsure if I can make a series out of that shoot, but I should be able to pull out one or two drawings out of it.

You guys are the best.