Oh, and I suppose I should mention dates and whatnots for upcoming things.
I've been rather busy since November, and it'll be pretty nonstop until August, looks like.
The above drawing is one of many illustrations I recently completed for an upcoming publication called "Get High Now (Without Drugs)." It's sort of a meditative book with descriptions of poses you (and possibly with the assistance of friends) can do to achieve states of ... er, high-ness. Or something.
It's mind/body/soul stuff for you booksellers out there.
The book will be out in August or September this year. Can't wait to see how it actually turns out.
In exhibition news, I have a show coming up quick in the beginning of April. Opening April 3, Brett Amory and I will be putting up a show called "Spaces" at the Hyde St. Gallery in the Russian Hill area of San Francisco. It's a small gallery, but they're allowing us to paint the walls for installations so I'm pretty excited. Should be a lot of fun.
Following that, I'll have two large pieces (one made a year or so ago, one brand new) up in the San Francisco Chinese Culture Center biennial opening in May. There will be a catalogue and everything. Will keep you posted on the dates for that.
And following that (July) is a group show with Jesse Schlesinger and Matt Momchilov at Eleanor Harwood's gallery. I believe all three of us are aiming to make new work for that one. Last I spoke with them, they were all very psyched.
So that's my busy first half of the year. Will have to get down to LA at some point and celebrate a friend's recent nuptials. Otherwise, I'm down and out this Spring. It's all work, but it's all love, too.
When art calls, it's hard to say no.