"My Kid Could Paint That"
There hasn't been an art movie - that is, a movie about an artist and their work - that I've wanted to see in a long time. I'm so happy that Juxtapoz has brought this one to my attention:
When abstract expressionism started to gain popularity in the art community there were quite a few who said, in various ways, "My kid could paint that!" And a few years ago, it seemed like a 4-year-old named Marla Olmstead was proving them right. Marla was an abstract prodigy whose talents caused a gigantic stir in the world of modern art. Then a news program was aired which insinuated that Marla wasn't actually the one doing the painting. There was an assumed scandal and things were never really cleared up. Soon to be released is a documentary called My Kid Could Paint That by Amir Bar-Lev that was filmed before, during, and after the scandal took place. The film seems to evolve from initially trying to capture genius on film into a story about the Bar-Lev becoming too close to the subjects and the turmoil that the family goes through trying to live a normal life in a truly abnormal situation. The film opens October 5th in New York and LA and then, in limited release, across the U.S. See it for yourself to decide what you believe. We hope for genius, because a little hope never hurt.